Sophia Roe, Chef Turned Wellness Phenom, Teaches Us How to Stay Well, Be Well, and Do Well for Our Planet


Can we save the planet?

This whole topic can feel overwhelming—even paralyzing—if we don’t know where to even start. But don’t worry – there’s still so much hope. Creating a healthy, sustainable world is still possible with the right mindsets, education, and a willingness to unite.

On today’s episode, I sit down with Sophia Roe, a food activist, model, influencer, and so much more. Like many of us, Sophia pivoted from her day job as a chef to become one of the most respected names in the wellness digital space. Sophia is gusty, intense, funny, and all-around the real deal.

Throughout our conversation, Sophia and I chat about actionable changes that we can do right now to help heal our planet. We discuss the required mindset to move forward with sustainability, and how to stay active and engaged even when current events make us feel deflated.


Some Questions I Ask:

·      How can we unite to give the planet a fighting chance? (8:33)

·      What advice do you have for influencers who want to be more authentic online? (30:27)

·      What are some things you really want to do this year? (43:27)


In This Episode, You Will Learn:

·      How Sophia finds small, actionable ways to save the planet. (4:02)

·      How to spread positivity and joy around your community. (13:03)

·      Why the earth cannot be treated as a commodity. (22:35)

·      How Sophia, as an influencer, holds brands accountable for creating excess waste. (27:00)

·      Why Sophia consciously chooses to be vulnerable and authentic on social media. (30:58)

·      How Sophia will invest in herself in 2020. (43:42)


Connect with Sophia Roe:


Pillow Talk Sessions Instagram



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