Phillip Lim’s Journey to Sustainability: in Business, Life & Everything In-Between
It’s Fashion Week here in New York City.
This is one of the busiest weeks of the year in the fashion industry. Normally, Phillip Lim would be stuck in the thick of it, but this year he’s opting out. Instead, Phillip is having a “studio day.” In other words, he will be hosting a house party where the full collection will be on view, just like the runway, but without the exclusivity. No front row, no RSV, no list. Anybody can walk into the store.
On today’s episode, Phillip Lim and I discuss why he decided to do something so drastically different for fashion week. He explains how he is working toward a more sustainable and mindful way to be and make fashion, and what the risks are when trekking this new terror.
Some Questions I Ask:
Can you describe the amount of stress that comes with each fashion season? (9:11)
When did you decide to pursue creating sustainable products? (18:56)
What is your goal? (28:40)
How can you reeducate your customer with the understanding that sustainable products are luxurious? (46:29)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Why Phillip is focused on creating sustainable products. (8:10)
How Phillip prepares for fashion show season. (9:33)
Phillip’s advice for individuals and companies creating sustainable fashion. (19:04)
What could destroy the mission of creating sustainable products. (30:02)
What Phillip’s 2020 vision is. (50:48)
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